API stands for Application Programming Interface which is an application programming interface for the Web.

An API can be considered as a backend web application.

Types of API

  • SOAP (XML based)

We will be concentrating on REST API’s as it is currently the industry standard

Why do we use API’s?

  • client-server communication
    • mobile app and backend web server
    • frontend web app and backend web server
    • desktop app and backend web server
  • communication between different systems (ex: google and microsoft)
  • syncing data from multiple platforms (ex: websites and mobile apps)


REST is acronym for Representational State Transfer and allow secure exchange of information via standardised resources over the internet.

How do REST API’s work?

  • Client and servers exchange resources via standardised

    • protocol (http)
    • data format (JSON)
  • Resources can be:

    • Data (ex: formatted database search results)
  • Clients:

    • Carry out operations towards resources
    • For example:
      • Client requests information from resource
      • Client updates resource
  • Operations can be conducted on resources

    • Some common operations are:
      • GET - request information from resource
      • POST - send information to server to create/update a resource
      • PUT - Similar to Post
      • PATCH - Modify some parts of a resource
      • DELETE - Delete specified resource

Key principles of REST API’s

There are many principles behind the architectural style of REST API’s. The most important ones are as follows:

  • Uniform Interface

    Enforces standard format for resources and operations

  • Statelessness

    Allows concurrent/simultaneous requests to be processed without affecting other requests.

Benefits of REST API’s

  • Scalability

    System can be easily scaled with time. Performance can be enhanced with caching and load-balancing.

  • Flexibility

    Allows system to be easily modified without rewriting application code on every platform. Additional functionality can be added without affecting other parts of the system.

  • Independence

    Client and server apps are independent and can be written in any programming language.

    Underlying technologies can be changed without affecting the frontend or backend as well as the communication

Communication between client and server

Simple client-server


Client Request

  • The client communicates with the API via API Endpoints also know as URI (Uniform Resource Indentifier).
  • The client makes an http request to the URI containing http headers and parameters(operation)

When a client communicates with an API, it has to specify:

  • what (protocol {http} and application format {json})
  • where (API endpoint/URI) - routes
  • action (operation)

API Endpoints(URI)

An endpoint is simply a URL. An example is shown below:


Http Request

The client makes an http request to the server on the specified URI endpoint.

Http headers which may contain:

  • Query parameters (GET requests)
  • Data (POST requests contain the payload)
  • Application Type (JSON)
  • Authorisation token (Security purposes, oauth, bearer tokens, api keys,etc)
  • Cookie parameters (Authentication purposes)


The operation informs the server what to perform on resources before sending back the result in JSON format to the client.

Operations may be:

  • GET - request information from resource
  • POST - send information to server to create/update a resource
  • PUT - Similar to Post
  • PATCH - Modify some parts of a resource
  • DELETE - Delete specified resource

Client Request Overview


Sample HTTP Request

A sample http request is shown below:

POST https://adventure-works.com/orders HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 57


Server Response

The server:

  • performs the operation the resource
  • formats the result in JSON format
  • adds a http status code and JSON data to the http response
  • sends back the http response to the client

Common HTTP Status codes

  • 200: Generic success response
  • 201: POST method success response
  • 400: Incorrect request that the server cannot process
  • 404: Resource not found

Sample HTTP Response

The following example shows the payload (JSON) returned by the server after a get request was performed:

Get Request


API Response

The response status code is 200 (success) and the payload is shown below. The JSON response contains the parking information from the parking resource.

    "location": {
        "lng": 57.50108208351377,
        "lat": -20.16167507202768
    "ID": "01662563976508",
    "address": "test Parking",
    "description": "Secure parking with guardian in building",
    "parkingSlots": 1,
    "parkingType": 1,
    "hourlyRate": 100,
    "sellerId": "01662563291170",
    "createdOn": "2022-09-07T15:17:40.606Z"

Designing your API


You should center your resource URI’s around resources and not verbs. A common mistake is shown below:


A good implementation of URI’s is shown below:




If you want to dive deeper into REST API’s, visit the following links:

Web API design best practices - Azure Architecture Center

What is RESTful API? - RESTful API Beginner's Guide - AWS

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